研究成果:以第一和通讯作者在Laser & Photonics Reviews、Light: Science & Applications、Reports on Progress in Physics、APL、OL、PRA、NJP、OE等物理学和光学国际著名期刊发表学术论文30余篇,被引用3000多次。其中2023年发表在Laser & Photonics Reviews上的论文、2017年发表在Reports on Progress in Physics上的论文和2015年发表在Light: Science & Applications上论文一直被收录为ESI高被引论文;2022年发表在Applied Physics Letters上的论文被选为封面论文。
[10] Rong Wang, Yawei Tan, Jie Chen, Qiang Zhou, Zhiwei Zheng*, and Xiaohui Ling*. Reexamining the anomalous spin–orbit interactions of light around Fresnel coefficient singularities. Optics Letters 50(1): 49-52 (2025).
[09] Yawei Tan, Zan Zhang, Rong Wang, Qiang Zhou, Jie Chen and Xiaohui Ling*. Exotic spin-Hall effect in non-Hermitian optical systems. New Journal of Physics 26, 103010 (2024).
[08] Xiaohui Ling*, Zan Zhang, Zhiping Dai, Zhiteng Wang, Hailu Luo, and Lei Zhou*. Photonic Spin-Hall Effect at Generic Interfaces. Laser & Photonics Reviews 17(4): 2200783 (2023).
[07] Yawei Tan, Jie Chen, Jiahao Cheng, Wang Mei, Zan Zhang, and Xiaohui Ling*. Role of beam parameters in the spin-orbit interactions of light. Optics Express 31(21): 34300-34312 (2023).
[06] Zan Zhang, Wang Mei, Jiahao Cheng, Yawei Tan, Zhiping Dai, and Xiaohui Ling*. Revisiting vortex generation in the spin-orbit interactions of refraction and focusing of light. Physical Review A 106(6): 063520 (2022).
[05] Zan Zhang, Jiahao Cheng, Wang Mei, Weilai Xiao, Zhiteng Wang, Zhiping Dai, and Xiaohui Ling*. Enhancing the efficiency of the topological phase transitions in spin-orbit photonics. Applied Physics Letters 120(18): 181102 (2022).
[04] Xiaohui Ling*, Fuxin Guan, Zan Zhang, He-Xiu Xu, Shiyi Xiao*, and Hailu Luo. Vortex mode decomposition of the topology-induced phase transitions in spin-orbit optics. Physical Review A 104(5): 053504 (2021).
[03] Xiaohui Ling, Fuxin Guan, Xiaodong Cai, Shaojie Ma, He-Xiu Xu, Qiong He, Shiyi Xiao*, and Lei Zhou*. Topology-Induced Phase Transitions in Spin-Orbit Photonics. Laser & Photonics Reviews 15(6): 2000492 (2021).
[02] Xiaohui Ling*, Weilai Xiao, Shizhen Chen, Xinxing Zhou, Hailu Luo, and Lei Zhou*. Revisiting the anomalous spin-Hall effect of light near the Brewster angle. Physical Review A 103(3): 033515 (2021).
[01] Xiaohui Ling*, Huiling Luo, Fuxin Guan, Xinxing Zhou, Hailu Luo, and Lei Zhou*. Vortex generation in the spin-orbit interaction of a light beam propagating inside a uniaxial medium: origin and efficiency. Optics Express 28(19): 27258-27267 (2020).