   编辑:物电学院    来源: 加入日期:2024/09/07 17:13 阅读次数:


    盛丽娟,女,江西省上饶市人,199410月出生,四川大学博士,20237月参加工作,讲师,硕士生导师。主要从事光的自旋-轨道相互作用和光子自旋霍尔效应等领域的新现象、新机理、新方法和应用基础研究,即研究基于光、电子自旋相关特性的基础与潜在应用研究。课题组研究主要内容包括:(1)光的自旋-轨道相互作用;(2)精密测量与传感技术;(3)奇异的光子自旋霍尔效应(例如偏振无关或者消失等)。已发表13篇论文,其中以第一作者、导师一作学生二作以及共同一作在Laser & Photonics ReviewsProgress in Quantum Electronics等国际学术期刊上发表7篇论文(1篇被收录高被引论文,1篇论文入选编辑推荐专栏,以及1篇入选专栏邀请论文),被引用277余次(Web of Science),H因子7


Email: lijuansheng@foxmail.com







1. Lijuan Sheng#, Xinxing Zhou#*, Yuhan Zhong, Xinyan Zhang, Yu Chen, Zhiyou Zhang*, Hongsheng Chen, and Xiao Lin*, Exotic photonic spin Hall effect from a chiral interface, Laser & Photonics Reviews 17, 2200534 (2023). (中科院一区TopIF11)

2. Lijuan Sheng#, Yu Chen#, Shuaijie Yuan#, Xuquan Liu, Zhiyou Zhang, Hui Jing*, Le-Man Kuang*, and Xinxing Zhou*, Photonic spin Hall effect: physics, manipulations, and applications, Progress in Quantum Electronics 91-92, 100484 (2023). (特邀论文、中科院一区TopIF=11.7)

3. Lijuan Sheng, Xinxing Zhou*, Yu Chen, Hong Zhang, and Zhiyou Zhang*, Role of in-plane shift in reconstructing the photonic spin Hall effect, Optics Letters 47, 4778 (2022). (中科院二区)

4. Lijuan Sheng#, Linguo Xie#, Jingjing Sun, Sixian Li, Yaodong Wu, Yu Chen, Xinxing Zhou*, and Zhiyou Zhang*, Tunable in-plane and transverse spin angular shifts in layered dielectric structure, Optics Express 27, 32722 (2019). (入选编辑推荐专栏中科院二区)

5. Lijuan Sheng#, Linguo Xie#, Huiling Luo, Xinxing Zhou*, Xiaohui Ling*, and Zhiyou Zhang*, Sensitivity enhanced refractive index sensor by reducing the influence of in-plane wavevector in photonic spin Hall effect, IEEE Photonics Journal 10, 6501209 (2018).

6. Xinxing Zhou*, Lijuan Sheng, and Xiaohui Ling*, Photonic spin Hall effect enabled refractive index sensor using weak measurements, Scientific Reports 8, 1221 (2018). (导师一作学生二作、ESI高被引文)

7. Ping Nie#, Lijuan Sheng#, Linguo Xie, Zhihao Chen, Xinxing Zhou*, Yu Chen*, and Xiao Lin*, Gas sensing near exceptional points, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 54, 254001 (2021). (共同一作、“Emerging Leaders”专栏邀请论文)

地址:湖南省衡阳市珠晖区衡花路16号   邮编:421002  联系电话:0734-8484935  邮箱:gfzx@hynu.edu.cn 

版权:衡阳师范学院物理与电子工程学院  备案号:湘教QS3-200505-000049  湘ICP备05003883号
